General characters
1. They are most abundant microorganisms
2. They occur almost everywhere including extreme environments such as hot springs, deep oceans, snow and deserts.
3. Bacteria are the sole member of the kingdom Monera
4. Many live in or on other organisms as parasites
5. Cell structure is very simple but complex in behavior.
6. Show the most extensive metabolic diversity some are Autotrophic(Photosynthetic- use carbon dioxide and water and Heterotrophic(Use inorganic substance like nitrogen, Sulphur, iron etc.)
Classification of Bacteria
i) Monera includes unicellular(single celled) organisms.
ii) They are prokaryotes. Their chromosome material is not organized into nucleus. It lies directly inside the cytoplasm and is called nucleoid.
iii) Membrane bound cell organelles like mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes etc. are absent
iv) Cell wall may or may not be present.
v) Mode of nutrition.
Classification of bacteria based on shape;
Spherical shape(Cocci) Ex: Staphylococci, Rod shape(Bacilli) Ex: Salmonella typhi, Spiral Shape(Spirilla) Ex: Trypanosoma, and Comma Shape(Vibrio) Ex: Vibrio Cholera.
Reproduction in bacteria
Bacteria reproduce by all method. Under favorable conditions they reproduce through spores, sexual reproduction may also takes place in a special way DNA transfer from one bacterium to another.
Major groups of Kingdom Monera and their examples.
- Unique since they live in the most harsh habitats such as Halophiles(salty areas), Thermoacidophiles(hot springs), Methogens(Marshy areas).
- Archaebacteria different from other bacteria in having different cell wall structure which provides capacity to survive in these extreme environmental conditions.
- Methanogens present in the guts of the ruminants animals such as cow and buffaloes and they are responsible for methane(biogas) production from their dung, cellulose(grass) digestion in ruminants.